Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week Four - Pictures of Neuchatel

Okay here is your traffic lesson for the day, I am a traffic engineer, so we had to fit that in. I don't know if you know this but in the US there is an all red cycle, it is only for a second or two depending on the intersection (whatever the traffic engineer calculates it to be), and it is when all the traffic signals in an intersection are red to clear the intersection. Well here during that cycle the light appears both yellow and red, so you know that the green light is coming. I really like it because it eliminates or at least decreases the amount of the green cycle that is wasted on start up time. Also here they have a red, yellow and green light for pedestrians(peds). Also very useful. People are very courteous to peds. I also like that the red, yellow and green lights for cars have arrows indicting your option of direction. I figured I would put this at the beginning so you might actually read it. Maybe.

The above picture was taken while crossing the intersection, and pushing a stroller, more difficult than it looks. Slightly weird too. This morning I actually remembered my camera as I walked around town. Here are all my pictures from just a small area of downtown Neuchatel. I did not realize how many I took! I just felt the need to fully convey all that is around me daily. I feel like I am already adjusting, and starting to forget how incredibly different it is here from America! I did feel weird taking pictures, I look like such a tourist, and this isn't really a tourist area. Oh well. Also, I am new to this whole blogging thing, so I just figured out that people had posted comments. Thanks, it was great to hear from you all! I will try to answer questions if you had any and respond to your comments.

I have no idea who the men are in any of these statues, but they look cool. There are little fountains all through out the city. There is a plaque, but it is in French.

All of the wires you see are for the tracts the buses go on, this is "The Center" where all the buses meet.

I might have stated in a previous blog my love of shutters and flower boxes. So cute and I just love that the shutters actually are opened and shut.

There are a few American stores here like H&M, Espirit, The Body shop, McDonalds. But that is about it, unlike Japan were there were a lot like Forever 21, Gap, Banana Republic, Coco's, Denny's and many more.

Just a picture of roof tops, and the huge town clock.
Here is the castle of Neuchatel. Cool huh, I live near a castle built in the 1600's! These pictures were uploaded in a somewhat random order, so there will be pictures of the castle off and on from here.


I don't know what the above picture means, someone should tell me I keep seeing it every where now. Is it a year?

I love fall! So beautiful! I am so glad I came at this time of year! For those who were wondering, it hasn't been too cold here, usually 50's, rainy this week. It seem like it will be similar to Utah, perhaps a little better. Less cold in the winter and less hot in the summer.

Here you can see the restoring being done on the castle.

Most of the streets in this area are cobble stone. Very narrow, but cars still drive here. Difficult to push a stroller up, what were they thinking.


  1. According to Google your sign says 1875 in roman numerals... who knows the significance to that!

    Thanks for posting the pics, so fun to see where you are living! I have nothing interesting to take pictures of, unless you want to see the pigeons that share our building :)

  2. Thanks for posting the pictures, the buildings are beautiful! Also, your Ward sounds really fun and diverse.

  3. It looks like you are in a movie. It is so beautiful there. The castle was cool. I loved the picture of the whole hillside of houses on the slope. So Awesome!! Are your parents going to come and visit. I wish I could. You are amazing. Keep up the good blogging. I love it.
    Love ya

  4. Apparantly, 1875 was the beginning of Queen Victoria's reign. Google that.
